Monday, November 26, 2012

Parenting for God’s Kingdom, Not My Own

Parenting for God’s Kingdom, Not My Own | Christian Counseling & Education Foundation

I found this article helpful not just as I consider having children in the future, but as I examined my own marriage as well. I encourage you to read it. Praise God for this mom! One passage she wrote that struck me:
"As I began to see my role in a new light, my parenting developed a new focus. Since the kingdom of God is not about outward compliance to all mom's wishes, but about a mom knowing and obeying God, I realized that my primary job is helping my children become wise from the heart. Focusing on the heart before God gives me a vision for parenting that is freeing. I know I cannot change my child's heart, only God can. My role is to show them Jesus and teach about kingdom ways of living. I continued to ponder Scripture, and I was able to depend on Christ more and more each day. By his grace I began to see change." - Rebecca DeAnne Eaton p. 80

Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts.
